The Parent Pledge
Jill Manly and I were discussing the problem of under-age drinking.
Jill Manly offered a solution.
The Parent Pledge
ONE Founder, Lynne Pedersen
The Parent Pledge
“We have 4 years with our high schoolers. It is a very very short time. I have watched my older children, now 26 and 24 move from teens to women. The opportunities to teach our kids in the teen years are limitless. I hope we can learn from mistakes parents before us have made. I learned if a rule is not clear it will be broken. I learned some kids will drink and some will not. I learned some parents allow drinking to the point of vomiting, some take car keys, some go down to the neighbors house when kids are drinking. I learned some don’t allow drinking and tell kids the rule – No drinking or drugs in my home and I am watching.
Now comes the really sad part….
My family has experienced first hand what can happen when kids numb themselves. My family member was dealing with BIG issues of which I was only vaguely aware. She had learned you could self medicate with pills and alcohol. It took no time at all before she tried, I think in hindsight to take her life. You and I do not know what is going on in our kid’s friend life. If that kid is coming to our house to drink, to do drugs, to numb themselves from some pain and your teenager is their as an unknowing witness or participant, your participation or absence of participation is putting everyone in a dangerous position.
I am sharing this very personal story In hopes that you will stand with me and others and make our homes safe for kids to be kids drug and alcohol free. Drugs and alcohol are addictive dangerous potentially life long struggles. We should not put that in our kids already complicated lives.
Do they need to learn how to drink or not drink responsibly? Yes. But that is not what this pledge is about. This pledge is to jump start Parents saying NO to drugs and alcohol in our homes for teens. Yes teens can be sad, happy, angry, emotional and they can share those feelings, feel those feelings with each other without the approval or invitation to self medicate.
Sign the pledge TODAY and let’s make homes safer for kids to be kids.
Your name will be available on One Recovery website as a Teen Drug and Alcohol Free Home.
Encourage your friends to make the pledge. By joining together we can make our kids lives healthier and safer.
I pledge as a part of the greater NMUSD Community that I will not serve alcohol to minors or allow underage drinking in my home.
I encourage open communication between parents who have taken this pledge to ensure safe alcohol free and drug free options for our children.
This pledge is a desire to reduce peer drinking pressure on our kids. Drug use and alcohol use should not be the norm for high schoolers. We are pledging to be a part of the solution.
Let’S Get Started

Who Has Made The Pledge?
Stacie Wendland
Corona del Mar High School
James Hoey
Corona del Mar High School
Carolyn Grabiel
Corona del Mar High School
Suzanne Gauntlett
Corona del Mar High School
Janina Pietsch
Corona del Mar High School
Laura Palitz
Corona del Mar High School
Sue Fritts
CDM Middle & High School
Erin Schoenbaum
Corona del Mar High School
Don & Ruth Kobayashi
Corona del Mar High School
Greg Pietsch
Corona del Mar High School
Tom and Marisa Unvert
Corona del Mar High School