Bob Thiele Jr. is an American musician, composer, songwriter, producer and most notably the Award Winning Music Supervisor of the FX Series Sons of Anarchy.
Bob has long been a supporter of the works of our Founder but was integral in the launch of ONE. He believed there was a solid need for the arts-infused inclusive support ONE offers to kids.
As the son of legendary music producer Bob Thiele, whose work included “What a Wonderful World” and singer, Jane Harvey, Bob literally grew up in the arts. He found his own passion there as well. Bob and his equally talented wife, Amy are the very proud parents of the gifted singer Owen Thiele.
It is quite literally in Bob’s bloodline to follow ONE’s artistic passion.
2014 Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA) Best Music Supervision Sons of Anarchy
2011 Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA)Best Music Supervision Sons of Anarchy
2014 & 2015 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics
2014 OFTA Television Award Best Music in a Series Sons of Anarchy